Please see our NAICS codes below
NAICS codes are used to determine what services and industries a business can perform and work within.
Primary NAICS Codes
236210 | Industrial Building Construction |
236220 | Commercial & Institutional Building Construction |
237110 | Water & Sewer Construction |
237990 | Other Heavy & Civil Engineering Construction |
531390 | Other Activities Related to Real Estate |
DUNS 081180690
Secondary NAICS Codes
23 | Construction |
2362 | Nonresidential Building Construction |
2381 | Foundation, Structure, and Building Exterior Contractors |
238110 | Concrete Contractors |
238120 | Structural Steel and Precast Construction |
238130 | Framing Contractors |
238140 | Masonry Contractors |
238150 | Glass and Glazing Contractors |
238160 | Roofing Contractors |
238170 | Siding Contractors |
2382 | Building Equipment Contractors |
238210 | Electrical, Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors |
238220 | Plumbing, Heating, and Air-Conditioning Contractors |
238290 | Other Building Equipment Contractors |
2383 | Building Finishing Contractors |
23810 | Drywall and Insulation Contractors |
23820 | Painting an Wall Covering Contractors |
238330 | Flooring Contractors |
238340 | Tile and Terrazzo Contractors |
238350 | Finish Carpentry Contractors |
238390 | Other Building Finishing Contractors |
238910 | Site Preparation Contractors |
238990 | All Other Specialty Trade Contractors |
23450 | Medical, Dental, and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers |
332410 | Power Boiler and Heat Exchanger Manufacturing |
561730 | Landscaping Services |
562910 | Remediation Services |